With this being the only bathroom in the property, the client decided to take a holiday to allow us to carry out the work without the added stress of them not having facilities for a couple of days.
For this job we completely stripped back the room, removing everything. To bring some much-needed light into the room and to add an extractor fan we dropped the ceiling to accommodate downlights and hide the pipe work for extractor.
The original setup had a bath, to give the room more space for and to make it easier for the client, we fitted a corner shower. This allowed for a bigger floor area and a much easier setup for them.
The walls were covered all the way round in multi panel shower boards. They brightened up the room and the marbling effect gave a bit of colour into the room.
The door into the bathroom also opened into the bathroom. With the new layout and to allow for un-impeded use of the bathroom, we turned the door to open into the hall.
To make things easier for the client, we took care of all organisation. Bringing in all the relevant trades as and when required.
This job became particularly challenging as on the day of completion, Walkerburn was closed due to an explosion in a local factory meaning access was not possible to anyone. Thankfully the client could extend their holiday another day and we managed to finish on the Saturday.